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Delivery Information

The boxes are shipped directly from Japan. Delivery time will vary from region to region, and may take from two weeks to 1 month or more. It is worth remembering that in many cases the product can reach the country of delivery in a few days, but it can take extra time to reach the customer's residence due to the country's internal processes.

This price of shipping does not include import, customs or other fees charged by your local authorities. 
If you are used to buying imported products on international websites, you probably already know how your country makes theses charges. In case you are unaware, we ask you to research beforehand how import fees work in your country so that there are no unexpected charges when you receive your box. If the customer resides in a country where customs control is more rigid and the product ends up being taxed, the user is entirely responsible for paying the taxes collected.

We work with 'ready-made boxes' model considering the following variables: product cost, dimensions and weight. In this way, the freight cost applicable to the weight and dimensions of the box is better seized, resulting in better cost-benefit for the customer, in comparison to the purchase of single products for example.

Japan's courier services are not accepting shipments to all countries and the shipping methods are restricted at the moment. So, please check first if your country is on this list.